2.6+ years old
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday
24-25 School Year
9:20 AM - 11:20 AM MWF
One day/classes per week: $93 per month
Two days/classes per week: $167 per month
Three days/classes per week: $237
10 monthly installments for the school year

We pride ourselves in making each child feel safe and secure as they transition successfully from parents to teachers in a school setting. You will delight in your child's growing independence as they develop lasting friendships with peers and teachers. School readiness, language development, fine and gross motor skills, and cognitive abilities are reinforced by our uniquely planned lessons. Each class includes art, music, puppetry, movement, free play, snack, and storytime.
Children enjoy a loosely structured class experience filled with creative, hands-on activities. Each class is rhythmic and predictable, allowing the child to understand what is expected in a classroom setting, offering them success early on.
Creative learning through making and moving
Kids Only classes foster independence and prepare your child for “big kid” school. Our Kids Only program consists of 2 hour toddler classes 1, 2 or 3 days per week.